Procure-to-Pay Resources
The resources below provide guidance for specific transactions and activities that you may undertake on behalf of the university.
Gatekeeper Contract Management System
Tax Exemption Documents
Doing Business with GW - iSupply
Travel & Expense
Enterprise-wide Agreements
Doing Business with GW - iSupply Overview, Guidelines, & Forms
Please review the guidance and instructions for Domestic and International New Supplier Registration as well as the requirements and guidance for changes and updates to Existing Domestic and International Suppliers. This information helps to ensure a smooth registration process for new relationships and aides existing suppliers with important information regarding account updates.
- GW Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
- International Engagement Request Form
- Supplier Registration Form
- W-9 IRS
- Worker Classification Review
- iSupplyGW Existing Supplier Training and Navigation (PDF) Coming soon!
- iSupplyGW New Supplier Training and Navigation (PDF)
- iSupplyGW Supplier Registration Handbook (PDF)
Concur-Related Forms
The following forms are now setup in the Concur product called "Request". The iBuy+ website contains complete details.
- Animal Procurement
- Gift Card Request
- P-Card Application
- Materials Management Stores Order
- Non-Standard Access in Concur
Note: Use solely for additional access within Concur. Not for initial access to Concur. - Use the Stop Payment and Electronic Payment Recall Request (see specific instructions) to request a stop payment on a paper check or to recall an electronic payment.
Payables Overview, Guidelines, & Forms
Please review the Payables Overview and the additional guidelines provided for helpful information in regards to what University Payables needs from the departments for quick, effective processing. The Quick Reference Guide for the GW iBuy+ Invoice system (also known as Concur Invoice) automates invoice processing. This user-friendly system helps simplify and streamlines the processes for invoice submissions, approvals, payment status determination, and reporting.
- Non-Labor Cost Transfer Justification Forms are internal forms required to make corrections to grants-related only invoices and payments previously recorded. These forms are used to correct the expense account or department originally charged with the expenditure. Grant and Non-grant related adjustments are done through Concur Request.
- The university’s preferred method for paying commercial, domestic suppliers, and for issuing personal and travel reimbursements to employees is via electronic payment (ACH). ACH is efficient and cost effective. ACH payments disbursed to the suppliers are made to the account and financial institution designated by the supplier according to the agreed upon payment terms with the supplier. Personal and travel reimbursements to GW employees whose payroll method is direct deposit will have all reimbursements paid via ACH to that same bank account. In order for a supplier to receive payments via direct deposit, the Supplier Registration Form must be completed and signed with a certified digital or pen to paper signature. New vendors submit banking through the iSupply portal during registration. Existing suppliers send the completed form to [email protected] for approval and verification.
- The Electronic Funds Disbursement Request Form (PDF) is used to wire funds to suppliers being paid in foreign currency or, as an exception with a valid business justification, wire funds to domestic suppliers. There are instructions for how to complete the Electronic Funds Disbursement Request Form. Please note: the fields of Region and Type of Activity are required for international payments. In addition, a bank source document is required with supporting documentation. A bank source document is a document that supports the bank information provided on the request. Examples are: a letter from the supplier's bank with the account information, or an invoice with the account information, or a letter from the supplier with the bank account information. Note: For international wires with US corresponding bank, the source document should include the US corresponding bank account information in order for the payment to be accurately routed.
- Endowment Spending Requests are used when charging to an endowment. This process is managed by the Office of the University Controller.
- The Honorarium Recipient Form (PDF) is used to register and pay honorarium Recipients. An honorarium is a one-time nominal payment made to an individual (not a corporation, business or partnership) who is not an employee, student employee, or a student of the University, for a special and non-recurring activity or event with a short duration for which a fee is not legally or customarily required and which fixed business price has not been set. Refer to the guidance document for more information on using an honorarium. Detailed guidance for honorariums is available. Please note: Whether you are submitting a new or existing supplier for an honorarium, if sponsored projects needs to approve that should be done prior to sending the form to University Payables.
- The Online Submission Form is used only for grant related DCFs and endowment payments.
- A Payment Request Form (PDF) can be used to submit endowment related requests and/or other internally created invoices not specifically managed through iBuy+ Invoice. Please note the two new fields of Region and Type of Activity which are required for international payments.
- The Petty Cash Establish/Replenish Form (XLS) should be utilized for all Petty Cash Fund requests and changes. The Petty Cash Manual (available by request from [email protected]) provides instructions for how to establish Petty Cash Funds and request replenishments and the Petty Cash Receipt Slip (PDF) is used to record distribution of the Petty Cash Fund.
- The Recurring Payment Form is to provide the information required to create a recurring payment in EAS to a commercial supplier who is a contracted partner with the university. Payment must be the same recurring amount through the fiscal year. Recurring payments have a duration of one fiscal year. Therefore, multiple year recurring payments will require the completion of this form three weeks prior to the beginning of the next fiscal year. Each form should be accompanied by the contract or other viable documentation to clearly identify the commercial supplier and payment information. Send the completed and approved form to University Payables at [email protected].
The benefits of establishing a recurring payment for a commercial supplier include:
- Annual setup if the contract is multi-year. No invoices are required.
- Payments will be disbursed on the payment interval specified on the form: bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly. No more late payments.
The following are not candidates for recurring payments, as executed contracts or agreements are required:
- Stipends
- Scholarships
- Fellowships
- University Payables uses these payment methods, listed in order of preference, to remit payment to the university's suppliers. Payments are issued on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
- Payables Frequently Asked Questions provide on information on stipends, expense reimbursements, and stop payments as well as general payment information. Specific information on Payment Terms and Fraudulent Check Inquiries is also available.
- The Payables Policies & Procedures provide guidance for specific transactions and activities that you may undertake on behalf of the university.
- The Advarra Participant Payments solution is the university’s preferred payment option for research study participants. The solution streamlines the payment of human subject research participants and reduces the administrative burden associated with these transactions. Please see the Standard Operating Procedures for the Forte Participant Payments System for guidance.
P-Card Guidelines & Forms
P-Card Applications are now processed through Concur Request. See iBuy+ Request for detailed instructions.
Procurement Guidelines & Forms
- Contract Review Information & Questionnaire for IT & Data Related (PDF)
- Exam Booklet Order Form (PDF)
- iBuy+ Expense Reporting System Affiliate Access
- Justification and Approval Form for Federal Contracts (PDF)
- GW and MFA Multi-Function Device (Copier/Printer) - Request Form
- Missing Receipt Acknowledgement and Approval Form (preferred method and instructions)
- MWBE 100 Utilization Plan
- MWBE 101 Request for Waiver
- MWBE 102 Notice of Intent
- MWBE 103 Prime Contractor MWBE Monthly Payment Report
- MWBE 104 Subcontractor MWBE Monthly Payment Report
- PO Liquidations (PDF) *Download, compIete, and email the form. If you see the "Please wait..." message, there is an alternate access method.
- Requirements Document (PDF))
- Requisition Approval Workflow Document you must submit when you want a new EAS workflow created (for example, when a new organization code is established), or when you want changes made to an existing EAS workflow (new personnel, new dollar thresholds). The document should be submitted as an attachment to a GW IT help desk ticket with the subject line EAS requisition workflow change.
- Supplier Selection Memo (PDF)
- The Contract Process Guide is intended as a reference to assist university employees in better understanding the processes and procedures associated with contracts and business transactions.
- When a department or school identifies a need to purchase a good or service, the departmental requisitioner should complete an on-line requisition in the Enterprise Accounting System (EAS).
- When a signed Purchase Order is accepted by a supplier, a contract is created. The George Washington Standard Terms and Conditions will govern the purchase and acts as an offer from the university to purchase the requested items.
- The P-Card Policy provides basic guidance and information for the university’s Procurement Card (P-Card) Program. The policy identifies what can be purchased with a P-Card and who can use the P-Card. There is also a Contract Review Process for P-Card Use.
- The Procurement Manual is designed for GW staff and faculty involved in requesting, ordering, receiving, and/or paying for goods or services needed by departments and schools. It contains a Procurement Guidelines Matrix which lists threshold values for purchases and the actions required based on the funding source.
- The Procurement Policy establishes the fundamental requirements of the university’s procurement system that shall guide the responsible expenditure of university funds.
- Prohibited GL Accounts for Procurement Use
- Purchase Requisitions are submitted to Procurement to indicate a request for a payment to a select supplier. Training documentation has been developed by the Financial Systems & Solutions team and can be reviewed by users to know how to create and submit a purchase requisition.
- RFP Evaluating Criteria Planning
- RFP Planning Glossary
- Informal Bid/Quote Solicitation Procedure
Travel and Expense Forms & Guidelines
All GW employees submit requests for Travel Advances and/or Reimbursements through the iBuy+ Expense Reporting system. Student use is limited to reimbursements.
- Access to the iBuy+ eExpense System can be requested for a non-employee referred to as an affiliate user. An affiliate user can serve as a delegate for submitting expense reports on behalf of an employee or to serve as an approver of an expense report. In general, an affiliate user should not submit expenses for himself/herself.
- Student recipients are encouraged to receive payments electronically for stipends and reimbursements. Simply complete the Direct Deposit Authorization Form and return to GW's Payroll Services.
- Expense Reporting Training
- Hotel and Conferencing Requirements Document (PDF)
- The Missing Receipt Acknowledgement and Approval form is to be uploaded as the receipt if an itemized receipt is missing from a Concur report being submitted by a delegate. Employees submitting reports should use the missing receipt affidavit within Concur. It is not intended to replace a missing/lost receipt on a consistent basis. Lost/missing receipts should be infrequent and unusual, as receipts can be reprinted or easily requested (i.e., hotels, catering, restaurants if the date is provided) and should generally be for small dollar amounts.
University-wide Agreements (GW Mobile, FedEx, UPS, Water Service)
- Cell - New Line (PDF)
- Cell - New Line, Existing Device (PDF)
- Cell - New Tablet Hotspot (PDF)
- Cell - Number Port (PDF)
- Cell - Upgrade (PDF)
- FedEx Account Setup Form (PDF)
- Request for Water Service Form (PDF)
- UPS Registration Form (PDF)
View additional policies on the University's Central Policy Website.