Awards, Prizes, & Honorariums
Awards and Prizes
Awards / prizes are payments made to students or non-GW employees in recognition of an accomplishment (reportable for tax purposes) or to assist them in further research opportunities (non-reportable for tax purposes).
To process an Award or Prize, submit a request with adequate supporting documentation through iBuy+ Invoice. The documentation should include:
- student's name
- address
- purpose of the award / prize
- explanation of the award / prize
- amount
- how the recipient was selected
- whether employee or academic related.
In the case of a reportable award or prize, the individual tax identification number must be on file with Supplier Maintenance or in GWEB/Banner for current registered students.
An honorarium is a one‐time nominal payment made to an individual (not a corporation, business or partnership), who is not an employee, student employee, or a student of the university, for a special and non‐recurring activity or event with a short duration for which a fee is not legally or customarily required and which fixed business price has not been set.
If the amount or timing of the payment is negotiated and agreed upon, it is considered a contractual agreement, and should be processed as a payment for personal services, not an honorarium.
Honoraria are typically paid to persons of scholarly or professional standing expertise with the intent of showing good will and appreciation for a voluntarily service to the university.