Contract Review Process for PCard Use

For contract review and signing where the vendor will be paid using departmental PCard, proceed as below:

  • Submit the request through Gatekeeper using this Intake Form.
  • In the “Provide a brief summary of the use and purpose for this purchase and include what the service/application does” section of the form – put “contract review only; payment to be made by P-Card” and provide the name of the PCard holder. Please do not provide the PCard number.
  • Together with the contract/agreement draft for review, attach supporting documents according to the Procurement Guidelines Matrix; e.g. Quotes/Proposals and COI, etc.
  • Depending on the funding source and the dollar threshold per the matrix, attach justification and approval (J&A for federal funds) or supplier selection memo (SSM for non-federal fund) form if applicable unless exempt from Procurement action or it was sourced through full and open competition by Procurement.
  • Include point of contact for the vendor (name and email address) so contracts edits or/and the signed contract can be forwarded.

Note: Remember to attach the fully executed contract to all expense reports associated with this contract in Concur.

Procurement Guidelines Matrix