Existing Supplier Maintenance

Domestic Suppliers Only:

To improve our business processes and operate more efficiently, we have implemented a web-based self-service system for our suppliers, iSupplyGW. View the Existing Supplier Training and Navigation guidelines. As a registered supplier, you can view and update certain information in your profile information, including:

  • Business classification information describing your company’s type of business, including minority categories
  • NIGP classification information describing the types of goods and services your company offers
  • Banking information for electronic payments
  • Organization contact information, including address

To remain a current business partner with GW, suppliers must now provide business and NIGP classification information. 

Select Login to access the iSupplyGW portal (Domestic Only)

International Suppliers Only: 

International suppliers do not register via our GW portal but instead are required to submit profile updates to the iSupplyGW Team for processing. Please send updates to iSupply's email. You will receive an email from the iSupplyGW Team once they have completed the requested update.

We want you to know:

  • New Suppliers with complete and approved registrations are now considered an Existing Supplier and should use Login to make any modifications to their profile.
  • Existing suppliers processing bank updates are required to email voided checks, bank letters, or authorization for direct deposit forms to iSupply.
  • Completing the registration process does not guarantee your company will receive a request to bid or a contract from GW, nor does it imply that your company has any type of procurement relationship with GW, either now or in the future.
  • Information provided by your company will be treated in a confidential manner and will be subject to reasonable and prudent safeguards against improper disclosure.
  • Workers Classification Review: Internal review for individual, which can be found under the section "Completing the Necessary Forms" from the GW Tax Department
  • For more information on iSupplyGW, email us or call the iSupplyGW hotline, 571-553-0300.