Departmental Correction Form

The Non-Labor Cost Transfer Justification Form is used to redistribute grant related charges (off an award, onto an award and within an award (to correct account codes)


  • Only one Invoice can be used per request
  • Consolidate all PDFs into one document (CTJF, BPR and Receipts/Invoices)
  • The category source should always be Purchase Invoices.
  • There is no dollar threshold for GM transactions.
  • Provide a Non-Labor Cost Transfer Justification Form (CTJF), with each unique DCF submission. Complete all relevant fields and obtain all required signatures.
  • Budget Performance Report (BPR) must be attached. A PDF copy is required. (For help running a BPR, contact your division's or school's fiscal director/manager.)
  • All DCFs not submitted to AP within 60 days of the initial posting to the Award Project Performance Report (GM-139) for grant related items must be accompanied by a memorandum of explanation detailing the reason as to why more timely addressing of the issue did not transpire and what practices are being implemented to preclude future recurrence of tardy action; if not the DCF will be returned unprocessed - without exception.  All of the information provided will be reviewed by Finance Management and a determination will be made as to whether the DCF will be accepted for processing.
  • The approver must be the individual with fiscal responsibility for the organization to whom the charge is being transferred to.
  • The requestor and approver may not be the same individual.
  • DCFs should be submitted to University Payables with all required documentation using Concur Requests    


There is specific instructions for completing and submitting a DCF.